Inventive kid with a great idea

Be Inspired by These Weird (And Wonderful) Job Ads

We all know the traditional job ad. There’s a section to describe the company, one for job duties, and another to list qualifications. But some companies have started in a whole new direction, and they’ve come up with some pretty interesting ways to do what we’ve been doing for years—target top talent.

We hope you get some inspiration (and a laugh or two) out of these highly unconventional approaches.


Anyone tired of long hours?

Job ad on side of a school bus

Business Insider


Hit frustrated commuters where it hurts.

Job ad that starts with "Here you are"

Close up view of the job ad that begins with "Here you are"                             


The Gatekeeper: Thou shalt not pass... unless you survive the test!

Engineer job ad requiring applicants to solve complex equation



Tattoo job ad requiring candidates to fill in a QR code


A day-in-the-life preview makes the position tangible…

Art director job ad with an imagined client conversation



…while some exaggeration makes it interesting.

Job ad for a CEO



A bit of strangeness might be just enough to spice up an otherwise ordinary job description.

Job posting with playful language


Greatest job benefit ever = Telepathy. Especially for a game designer.

Out of the ordinary job posting

Progamer City


Second greatest benefit = Minions following your every command.

Unique hiring flyer promoting opening for automation engineer



Of course, not all recruiters have time to work out a fancy description.

Sign reading "now hiring - must have a clue"


But sometimes, desperation is strategy all on its own.

Large banner promoting company's open positions



By Erin Coursey, iHire | Originally Published: July 20, 2016

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